Dear TRESOC Members and Friends, 

We invite you to hear about our work over the last year and to celebrate the opportunities ahead at our upcoming Annual General Meeting.

Please join us for a cup of tea, a mince pie and some sparkling conversation on November 5th at Totnes United Free Church, 56 Fore St, Totnes, TQ9 5RU. We look forward to welcoming members, friends and the public from 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

We encourage you to come along to ask questions and help us develop our strategy for the year ahead. We need 55 members to be quorate and we’d like to see all of you! Our aim is that you are aligned with, and endorse, the efforts we are making on your behalf.

If you are a member and unable to attend the AGM, we kindly ask that you arrange a Proxy Vote to ensure your voice is heard. As TRESOC rules require a 10% member vote, every vote is essential. A link to the Proxy Voting Form can be found below.

Please download, sign, and submit the Proxy Voting Form either by posting it or dropping it through the door at TRESOC, 107 High Street, Totnes, TQ9 5SN, or by emailing a scanned copy to

To attend, please register by emailing us at You will receive a link to join the meeting upon registration.

The Directors’ Report and a summary of our latest Accounts will be sent out to members prior to the AGM, links to which can also be found below.