FREE Moth Events in August

We are hosting three FREE family-friendly moth events in August, in conjunction with Art & Energy Collective’s Moths To A Flame project. The project invites people to think about their relationship with energy, ahead of COP26 in Glasgow later this year, and to record their message of hope to the delegates.

10th August – The Moth’s Whisper Book Reading by Miranda Barlow
2pm @ St John’s Church, Bridgetown, Totnes
There will be a free moth activity pack for every child who attends

Come and join KEVICC alumni writer and illustrator Miranda Barlow at St John’s Church in Bridgetown for a reading of her book The Moth’s Whisper*, followed by an augmented reality moth-making session with a moth colouring sheet. Your drawings will be brought to life using the QuiverVision App and you can record a selfie with your own whisper of hope for the future, then share it online using #MothsToAFlame.

The Moth’s Whisper was specially commissioned for Moths to a Flame. It follows the journey of Marny, a newly emerged Yellow Underwing moth as she emerges from her pupa and discovers the world of humans as she journeys in search of the moon.

*The collective noun for moths is a whisper.

12th August – Family Moth-Making Event for a magnificent Climate Emergency mass-participation art installation for COP26, Glasgow
10am, 11am, 12 noon, 2pm, 3pm @ Totnes Civic Hall

  • Moth Making
  • Record a message for COP26

17th August – Moth Watching
8.30am @ Totnes Weir Hydro

  • Talk from a local moth expert
  • Tour of the Hydro Plant
  • Record a message for #COP26
  • Make observational drawings of moths using handmade oak gall ink

Please pre-register for all events, to register please email

Places will be given out on a first come first served basis

It’s Time for Solidarity!

Frack Free Totnes, a new activist group, holds awareness-raising stalls on Fridays and Saturdays 11.30-1.30pm on Totnes High St/Market square.

A meeting this Sunday 15th Jan. at 7pm, Seven Stars Hotel, TQ9 5DD will focus on actions and strategies we can take here in Totnes, for example, switch to a green energy provider, switch banks, write letters, create street theatre and street choir songs, join solidarity trips to direct action camps or support divestment initiatives. There will be a public Film Show on Sunday 29th Jan. For more information, contact Peter Burgess on 01803 862980 or 07747038371. Here’s their Facebook page.


Vote in Community Referendum Today – Wednesday 23rd November 2016

Make sure you vote in the Totnes referendum today on the ‘community right to build order’ to approve the development of the Atmos project, on the site of the derelict Dairy Crest Dairy (next to the train station). Atmos will create a multi use site that will include a community centre, recreational facilities, a retirement home, low cost housing, and industrial units. Their vision is to build a development that will be carbon neutral, involving different renewable energy technologies – Vote Yes!