The World’s First Ever Archimedes Screw Fest

On Saturday, October 15th 2016 the first ever Archimedes Screw Fest took place at the Hydro Power Station on Totnes Weir.

The event marked the Hydro Station’s first birthday and a year of green electricity generation.

There were several family activities running throughout the day providing an opportunity to learn first-hand about the local ecosystem and the amazing renewable energy source right on our doorstep. Tresoc’s Director of Engineering, Alastair Gets, led tours/talks around the site throughout the day, which included a close up inspection inside the plant and of the fish pass.

Jane Brady, as Director of Communications, has been working to deliver an information signage board for the site. Part of the day’s event invited visitors to add their comments and preferences to how that sign could take form. Stories and knowledge of the River Dart were shared, whilst children crafted salmon shapes that then were woven into a hand-made fish net. The inspiration continued, as the net went on to take residence at St John’s primary school for future class lessons of a river focus. Citizen scientists could also sign up to become active members of the community taking care of the health and future of the river ecosystem; with the WestCountry Rivers Trust on hand to respond to queries about the River Dart. The Totnes Rubbish group led a volunteer litter pick along the river walk to the Weir.






Sadly, Archimedes, the man who pioneered the screw technology, was not able to join us on the day; [reported to have had a cold from staying in the bath far too long]. Instead, we sampled his favourite dish, arancini (provided by the Kitchen Table), in his honor.

Tresoc worked in collaboration with Dart Renewables, the Hydrosense consortium and Triodos bank during the development of the weir and launched an exclusive share offer to its members earlier this year, helping to secure local community investment in its local renewable resource.

Tresoc is now developing Staverton Leat Hydro in partnership with Hydrosense, The Dartington Hall Trust and Triodos Bank. There will be more on this at the upcoming AGM on November 30th, when guest speaker, Karen Williams, the Chief Operating Officer of the Trust, joins the evening to talk about working in partnership with Tresoc.


Thanks to Landustrie and Dart Renewables Ltd, who sponsored the Archimedes Screw Fest, and to all those who joined us at the weir and made the day so special. Archimedes Screw Fest was part was part of TTT Open Eco Homes weekend.