by tresoc | Jul 6, 2022 | Latest TRESOC News
We were delighted to work with students at St. Christopher’s School n Staverton last month as part of our REEL programme – Renewable Energy Experiential Learning.
The programme includes student-led critical thinking around our global need for energy and takes place over 2 days. It involves site visits to see real technologies in action to produce renewable energy, followed by a making day in school, creating our own versions of renewable energy technology designs through arts and craft. It took place on 15th and 16th June.
Headmistress, Alexandra Cottell says;
“The children at St. Christopher’s hugely benefit from the input they have from the REEL project. Both the field trip and the on-site learning are very engaging and offer an excellent hands-on approach to STEM learning.”
On the field trip day we visited the Marley Head Wind Turbine, thanks to South Brent Community Energy; the Solar Farm and Woodfuel Boiler on the Dartington Estate, thanks to Dartington Trust; and the Totnes Weir Hydro thanks to Dart Renewables.
On the making day, we ran 3 workshops, solar, wind and hydro (experimenting with solar circuits, lemon batteries, multi meters, making Archimedes Screws and Savonious wind turbines).
Each REEL project supports joined up skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). REEL is now in its 5th year, has been delivered for free to over 10 schools and over 260 children have taken part.
by tresoc | Sep 23, 2021 | Latest TRESOC News, News
105 children from years 5 and 6 at the Grove school in Totnes have taken part in TRESOC’s two-day Renewable Energy Experiential Learning (REEL) Programme. Day one was a field trip to Marley Head Wind Turbine, Marley Thatch Solar Farm and Totnes Weir Hydro. On day two (which we ran three times as there were so many children), we ran three workshops: in electronics, where children experimented with lemon batteries, mini solar panels, LEDs and multi-meters; in wind, where the children built vertical axis wind turbines out of recycled cardboard; and hydro, where children were asked to make a prototype for an Archimedes screw the way Archimedes intended – to move water uphill. They were given the materials and left to get on with it. Amazingly, several of the groups were able to complete the task with no help. Not sure how many adults would have been able to do this! The school were delighted with the project. Class teacher Miss Pearce commented that the project was amazing as all the children were totally engaged, and class teacher Mr Goud, thought the field trip really enhanced the learning experience.

The programme was enabled by a grant from the Chacegrove Family Foundation and delivered to the school for free. TRESOC is very grateful to them for their support and belief in the project.
Lemon battery success!
Testing a solar circuit
Making Archimedes screws at the Grove

TRESOC is also thankful to all the individuals and companies that collaborated on the project, including: South Brent Community Energy Society, Dart Renewables Ltd, Fisktek, RES, Quintas, Octopus Energy and TRESOC Volunteer Max Faircloth. TRESOC is incredibly lucky that so many local companies see the importance of educating the next generation about decentralised renewable energy and are happy to give up their time to make this happen.
by tresoc | Sep 21, 2017 | Events, Latest TRESOC News
The Second Annual Archimedes Screw Fest at Totnes Weir on the River Dart on Saturday October 7th, 11am – 4pm. Free
Turbine tours by Alastair Gets of TRESOC at 12 noon & 3pm
• Meet Archimedes!
• River science all day with Westcountry Rivers Trust – bring the grandkids
• Sign up to become a Riverkeeper – a steward of the River Dart
• Delicious veg-filled arancini to eat, from The Kitchen Table
The Screw Fest is back!
• If you missed the tours last year, join us on the 7th and see your investment at work producing clean electricity for KEVICC & the foundry.
• If you came on a tour last year, please suggest to a friend that they come along this year.
You are part of a success story:
• The turbines have been cranking since they began generating electricity in December 2015. The plant has been performing ahead of expectations.
• The recreational area created near the turbine house was very popular over the summer – local people love it!
• The Renewable Energy Experiential Learning pilot with St Christopher’s school saw a class of students hearing how the turbines work, designing their own water-moving devices and making water wheels from sticks and leaves at the river’s edge – shoes and socks off, feet in the water! If you missed it, here’s the
link to the film – please share it.
• The canoe launch platform was also much-used by kayakers and swimmers
• The automatic fish counter has tracked 100’s of fish and the fish pass has been welcomed by Westcountry Rivers Trust as truly “best practice.”
More good news:
• Staverton Hydro….. learn all about this new investment opportunity…..
Looking forward to seeing you on the 7th – rain or shine.
The Screw Fest is part of:
Open Eco-Homes Weekend
Fri 6, Sat 7 and Sun 8 Oct. Free
17 exciting homes and projects open to visit – full details in the programme or get your hard copy from Greenlife, The Mansion, Guildhall or Library, Totnes.
and don’t forget:
Eco & Community Homes Fair
Sat 21 Oct 10.00am to 3.00pm, Totnes Civic Hall. Free