by tresoc | Dec 20, 2016 | News
Help protect the places and life you love from climate change.
In February 2017, people across the country will make, wear and share green hearts to Show The Love for the places, people and life we want to protect from climate change.
Together, we want a world powered by clean and secure energy within a generation.
For The Love Of… is a campaign by The Climate Coalition for action on climate change to protect the things we all love, from bees to the British coastline to people everywhere.
Download your tool-kit here, or ask Tresoc and Totnes WI about how you can be involved.
by tresoc | Dec 16, 2015 | News
The outcome of COP21 is something to celebrate: net-zero human emissions – a balancing of what we release into the air and what is taken out – and when the dust settles and the Paris Agreement is in the hands of lawmakers, clean energy will be the best, cheapest, and most effective way to keep their promise. What else?
- At least $100 billion in finance after 2020 to keep the money for poor countries flowing for decades;
- A promise to meet every five years to increase ambition and move us closer and closer to the day the net-zero world becomes reality; and
- A global agreement that climate change is a world problem, requiring cooperation from Saudi Arabia to Spain to Senegal to deliver a future for this human family.
Most importantly, the mobilization in the face of climate change sends a clear message to investors everywhere: sinking money into fossil fuels is a dead bet. Renewables are the profit centre. Technology to bring us to 100% clean energy is the money-maker of the future.
by tresoc | Jun 25, 2015 | Latest TRESOC News
Governments and policies change, but the crisis of our times around energy and the environment is real and urgent. Thanks to everyone for contributing so enthusiastically to our interactive event on 23rd July. Lots of conversations about clean, green energy and the community’s part in producing, owning and managing it – specifically around 1) the papal message on “care for our common home”, 2) big picture renewables changes, 3) what local gov is doing, 4) making community energy work on the ground 5) future project types, and 6) educational opportunities at Totnes Weir. It was a fun couple of hours, thanks to Hal Gillmore of the REconomy Centre, exploring where we stand – in this moment here in the UK – with another winter of fuel bills on its way. Outcomes include a multi-faith event in the autumn dedicated to the encyclical, urgent correspondence with local MPs, an offer to keep the Weir area tidy, an idea for a generating play park… more on this soon!
Here’s an interesting pdf from Climate Outreach & Information Network (COIN) about framing language about climate change to mobilise activity across the world’s 5 faith groups: COIN-Our-Voices-4 pages – June-2015