Hooray, we are Best Community Initiative, 2015!
Tresoc is the winner of the RegenSW’s 2015 South West Green Energy Award for the Best Community Initiative. “As judges, we are impressed by the dedication and achievements of community led energy initiatives, an area showing substantial growth and momentum across the country and particularly here in the South West. This is an ambitious movement that is increasingly showing it can deliver. The year’s winner has an excellent balance of community engagement with local residents and has developed an innovative partnership model with a housing association and local installer.
It has successfully installed solar PV on social housing, to provide power to local households and reduce their electricity bills significantly. Please can I invite onto the stage the winner of the 2015 South West Green Energy Award for the Best Community Initiative: TRESOC” – Emma Bridge, Community Energy England, lead judge
“Winning the “Best Community Initiative” in the South West is a great compliment that you and the entire TRESOC team richly deserve for your passionate desire to develop green energy opportunities in and around Totnes.” – Ian Alexander, Charity Bank