We are pleased to invite you to our Annual General Meeting at 7.00 p.m. on Wednesday 13th November 2019 at the Totnes United Free Church, Fore Street, Totnes, TQ9 5RP. Please do join us for drinks at the Seven Stars following the official business of the AGM.
Members, friends and the public are welcome to come along, ask questions and help us develop our strategy for the year ahead – we’d like to welcome all of you! Our goal – as always – is that you are aligned with, and endorse, the efforts we are making on your behalf.
The Directors’ Report and a summary of our latest Accounts to 31st March 2019 will be available. A signed copy of the Accounts has been submitted to the Financial Services Authority, and copies will also be available. We would be grateful if you could let us know if you plan to attend.
If you are a member and are unable to attend, it is important you arrange a Proxy Vote. The Rules of TRESOC require 10% of members to vote at the AGM and, with 560 members, every vote counts. Please give your Proxy Vote to another Member or Director of the Society by downloading and signing the Proxy Voting Form. Give the completed Form to your nominated member, post to TRESOC, 107 High Street, Totnes, TQ9 5SN, or scan and email to admin@tresoc.co.uk